Corexit 9527

Corexit 9527 is based in a post post apocalyptic future where all life is fused with the machine with the exception of the humble shrimp. Its the tale of consumption as our shrimp is taken from the deep sea, processed for energy and then used to obtain more shrimp. In this lifeless future we are reminded of the empty endless hunger that fuels so much.

Sunday 11 March 2012

what is a Corexit really

Corexit 9527 is a banned compound that was used in vast quantities during the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Its composition is unpublished. Here are some links to discover for yourself how lovely corporate culture is. Just incase you cant be bothered to follow the links i will spoil it for you, BP and Exxon are associated with the Nalco Holding Company which produces Corexit.

For much more, thanks Dr. Sircus

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