Corexit 9527

Corexit 9527 is based in a post post apocalyptic future where all life is fused with the machine with the exception of the humble shrimp. Its the tale of consumption as our shrimp is taken from the deep sea, processed for energy and then used to obtain more shrimp. In this lifeless future we are reminded of the empty endless hunger that fuels so much.


The script in which i worked off. Adjustments to the film were made without re scripting due to the time limit on this production.

Working Script Corexit 9527
Scene 1 - Deep Dark Depth
- Opening scene with darkness under water at great depth
  • A glowing shrimp comes into focus
  • Full frame of shrimp moving about on ocean floor.
  • Quick, sudden movement as a door closes which the shrimp was passing pushing sand and water
  • Glowing lights, buttons appear on the washing machine at the same time metal tow rope lifts from the sand
  • Sudden strong pull lifts the glowing washing machine from the sand
  • Machine is camouflaged as a shrimp
  • As machine moves it losses its squid camouflage and shows itself as washing machine
Scene 2 - Chase To The Surface
  • Glowing Jelly fish start to appear as the washing machine continues to come to the surface.
  • Jelly fish start to chase the washing machine and more appear until there is a large amount of them merging into one group.
  • Washing machine is tossed about as jelly fish progress
  • In the background a larger sea creature is briefly scene
  • Washing machine pulls away from the jellies revealing a very large sea creature.
  • Large sea creature purses washing machine
  • Washing machine leaves water, sea is rough
  • Washing machine is pulled high into the air, rough seas, raining is followed by sea creatures follows, washing machine moves out of shot, large sea creature falls back to sea ‘powering down’
Scene 3 - Return to the Rig
  • Washing machine is being pulled quickly through the air outside is dark with glowing clouds and air.
  • In the distance is a futurist oil rig
  • Washing machine is pulled towards rig. parts of the rig is in motion.
  • Washing machine attaches to the side of the rig preparing to start a ‘cycle’
Scene 4 - Journey of the Shrimp
  • Water and shrimp are sucked out of the washing machine and into a tube
  • Shots changes from inside the tube with the moving shrimp to outside the tube where an environment of machine/organic hybrid elements glow as shrimp passes
  • Tube ends and shrimp and water are flushed out to a grain style elevator floor sucks all the water away
Scene 5 - Shrimp to Sugar
  • Shrimp seen wiggling about on the floor. Noises start that suggest large machine turning on.
  • A large machine appears from the top of the screen powers up and shots a beam
  • Beam hits shrimp and shrimp is transformed to sugar
  • Zoom in shot is of sugar cube only
Scene 6 - Sugar Consumed
  • Sugar cube rotates and falls in dark space 
  • Lands on saucer makes a small bounce
  • Sitting on saucer is slick man/machine hybrid that is powered down all black background
  • Suddenly frog like tongue emerges from the mouth of the man/machine hybrid and swallows the sugar
  • Eyes of the hybrid lights up
Scene 7 - The Power Surge
  • Same glowing color of eyes appears on lines in the darkness originating from the man/machine hybrid
  • Power surges through out the entire rig lighting up various parts some of those parts are shots from past external rig scenes
  • Power continues to travel until it powers up a large laser drill
Scene 8 - Push Out Another
  • Drill mechanics start and do a long rotation 
  • Shot is at the top of the drill and follows drill down as it power starts
  • Continues to follow the laser burst through ocean until it hits the ocean floor
  • Drill rips apart ocean floor charging it with the power from the laser drill
  • Continues to break apart floor until the shot ends at a hole in the ocean floor
  • Bubbles come out and so does the shrimp
  • Final shot is glowing new shrimp leaving shot

Heres a copy of the production sheet that i used

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